122. Cyber Defense
A comprehensive program dedicated to information security management, security team management, and the combination of AI and cyber defense. The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
122. Cyber Defense
Program overview:
In today’s world, cybersecurity is a key component for the successful operation of companies. We have developed this master’s program for those who want to implement cyber defense at the strategic level and build effective information security systems in cyberspace.
In 18 months, you will understand business processes in data security, risks and benefits of using AI in the context of cybersecurity, ethical and legal aspects of information security. You will also consider scenarios of machine learning application in the context of cybersecurity. All this will be based on real cases. In addition, you will go from learning the basics of digital security and potential cyber threats to implementing protection scenarios at the strategic level.
As part of your master’s thesis, you will be able to develop your own startup in the university’s accelerator or develop a tech solution for real companies.
What will you learn?

Requirements for applicants


A comprehensive academic program developed in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Adaptive online learning — can be combined even with a full-time job

Exclusive access to the bootcamps, events and tech communities partnering with SET University

Mentoring approach in teaching from leading teachers with academic and practical experience from Ukraine, Europe and the States

Fundamental education combined with practice, modern technologies and work on the real challenges of tech companies

Own startup as part of a Master thesis, in-depth understanding of tech businesses and development of leadership skills
Program Units
Module 1. Innovative technologies in business and society
Module 2. Technical Project Management
Module 3. Strategies and advanced management in IT
Module 4. Python for developers
Module 5. WEB Security
Module 6. Innovative technologies in business and society
Module 7. Technical Project Management
Module 8. Strategies and advanced management in IT
Module 9. Math and Statistics for AI
Module 10. WEB Security
Module 11. AI Intro
Module 12. Entrepreneurship
Module 13. Insider Threats
Module 14. Crythography
Module 15. AI in cyber
Module 16. Entrepreneurship
Module 17. Leadership in Cybersecurity
Module 18. Forensics of digital data
Module 19. Risk Management in Cyber
Module 20. Solution Design in Cyber | 4 ETCS
Module 21. Capstone project | 3 ETCS
Module 22. Startup incubator | 10 ETCS
Module 23. Master thesis | 18 ETCS
Module 24. Research & Development
Module 25. Elective courses | 2 * 3 ETCS

Oleksii Baranovskyi

Nick Gicinto
Former American CIA Officer, ex-Tesla, ex-Uber.
Nick Gicinto is an executive security leader and veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). After transitioning to the private sector, Nick was instrumental in establishing insider threat and intelligence programs at both Tesla and Uber. He also assumed the role of Vice President at RiskIQ, which has since become a part of Microsoft. Subsequently, Nick played a crucial role in helping Chainlink Labs, a prominent blockchain company, establish its security intelligence program. In addition to his corporate endeavors, Nick serves as CISO and Professor of Practice in Cybersecurity at the William Jewell College and Adjunct Professor at SET University.

Alex Rozhniatovskyi
The university offers a convenient format and schedule for studying, which can be combined with a full-time job. However, it can sometimes be challenging, especially if you want to submit everything on time and read additional materials. Personally, my studies take about 20-30 hours per week.
It’s great that you can choose disciplines within the course, allowing you to pick what aligns with your interests. However, you will still study not only technical subjects but also management, which is given a lot of attention. I advise future master’s students to apply if they already have an idea for their thesis project and a desire to start their own startup. Otherwise, you’ll need to think quickly after enrolling.
The university team does a lot to improve the learning process and support us as students. There’s also the SET University Community, which is not limited to just students. Here, you can form a team for CTF, listen to lectures from guest speakers, and address your queries.
Many new acquaintances and impressions from studying for a master’s degree! I expect that with the knowledge gained, we will be able to implement projects that will help the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), who need assistance not only in the form of donations but also through new approaches and developments. Studying is convenient. There is an LMS with all lecture recordings and useful additional materials. Another big plus is that the program does not have a bunch of unnecessary subjects that you are forced to attend. There are many elective courses, allowing you to tailor the program to your needs. My favorite, by the way, is Web Security.
For whom?

CTOs and Team Leaders of engineering teams

Engineers, software and hardware developers

Security teams (DevOps, DevSecOps and System admins)

Teams involved in a tech product development (Project та Product Managers, Product Owners, Delivery Managers, Business Analysts, QA Engineers, Program Managers)

Bachelor’s degree graduates in any IT field who have passed the state exam
Register for ЄВІ and ЄФВВ 2024
This year, all applicants for master’s programs are required to take the national testing ЄВІ and ЄФВВ (even those who already hold a master’s degree). To do this, you need to register through the university’s admissions office (it’s free and sincerely offered).
To register for ЄВІ/ЄФВВ, fill out the form, and we will assist you with everything else.

Frequently asked questions
Is it necessary to have prior cyberdefense education to apply for this program?
To study effectively in this program, you need to have a basic understanding of technology, which can be gained through previous education in any technology field or experience working in an tech company.
How long does the program last?
The program consists of 16 modules and lasts for 1.5 years.
Is it a full-time education? Does it impact military mobilization when studying at Master's programs at SET University?
According to the Law of Ukraine “On Mobilization Training and Mobilization”, a list of persons who are not subject to conscription during mobilization is defined. Yes, according to Art. 23, conscription for military service during mobilization, for a special period are not subject to: students of higher education who are studying on a full-time basis. Education at SET University takes place exclusively on a full-time basis.
Studying at Master’s programs at SET University is the basis for receiving a deferment from mobilization, since it is a full-time study. Students of higher education studying full-time receive a deferment for the duration of their studies. At the same time, you still have the opportunity to voluntarily join the Armed Forces, and we also offer scholarships for the members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, National Guard.
Is it possible to combine studying with a full-time job?
Yes, we are developing a program, first of all, for those who already have experience in IT and are building a career. In addition, the training format will be hybrid, so that all participants can combine training with work.
Is it necessary to have coding skills to study at this program?
Programming skills are optional for admission to the program. However, knowing and understanding the rules of writing code will help you master the curriculum. We also advise you to take into account that students will write code during their studies.
What format will the classes be held in?
The studies take place in the format of blended-hybrid learning. Educational content will be available on the online platform, and all lectures and seminars will be held online according to a predetermined schedule. Online workshops with teachers and group work will be held several times a week, also online.
We will announce the detailed schedule in September before the start of the studies. You will be notified about all offline activities and student meetups in advance so you can plan your schedule.
How do I apply to participate in the competitive selection process for a master's degree?
It is possible to submit an application for participation in the competitive selection for studies to obtain a Master’s degree using a personal electronic account registered on the website of the Unified State Electronic Database for Education.
SET University has a consultation center of the Admissions Committee to provide assistance to applicants during the registration of a personal electronic account and submission of applications in electronic form. Entrants can contact the counseling center:
if there are discrepancies in the data of the entrant to The Joint State Electronic Base on Education Issues (surname, first name, patronymic (if available), date of birth, gender, citizenship, etc.), in the document on previously obtained education (basis of admission), in the data of participants of the Ukraine’s state exams;
in case of submission of a document on previously acquired education (the basis of admission), information about which is not available in the Joint State Electronic Base on Education Issues, provided that the documents on education were issued before the introduction of photopolymer technologies for their production.

About SET:
Ukrainian technology university providing quality higher education for future leaders of the Ukraine's tech industry
SET University (University of Science, Entrepreneurship and Technologies “SET University”) provides world-class higher education in the field of IT and makes it more accessible to Ukrainians. The university combines a modern academic approach and strong expertise in technology with a focus on entrepreneurial culture, research and a developed community.
The university’s mission is to provide education to tech talents and future founders with the aim to accelerate Ukraine’s economic recovery.
Official name of SET University in the EDEBO
Institution code – 6664
Full name – Приватна установа “Університет науки, підприємництва та технологій”
Short name – ПУ “УНПТ”, Університет науки підприємництва та технологій
Learn more about this Master's program at SET University