The Unified Entrance Exam (ЄВІ) and the Unified Professional Entrance Test (ЄФВВ).

(Unified Entrance Exam )
The form of entrance examination for admission to study for a master’s degree based on a bachelor’s degree (NQF6) or a master’s degree (educational-qualification level of a specialist) (NQF7). It combines a test of general academic competence and a foreign language test (English, German, French, Spanish at the applicant’s choice), conducted by the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment in accordance with the legislation.
(Unified Professional Entrance Test)
The form of entrance examination for admission to study for a master’s degree, which involves assessing the applicant’s level of preparedness in their specialty.
Components of ЄВІ and ЄФВВ
You can find information about the components of ЄВІ and ЄФВВ and the test characteristics on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment.

Algorithm for Registration for Taking ЄВІ and ЄФВВ
1 Documents
Form a Set of Registration Documents:
1. Completed Application Form with information necessary for issuing the examination sheet. The form must be signed using an Electronic Digital Signature (EDS) or Diia.Signature
2. Video Instructions on how to sign documents online using EDS and the Diia portal.
3. Identity Document.
4. Taxpayer Identification Card (except for individuals who refuse to receive a taxpayer identification number due to their religious beliefs).
5. Certificate Issued by the Place of Study regarding the planned completion of studies and obtaining a diploma in the year of admission (for individuals completing their studies in the current year).
6. Document Confirming Obtained Degree of Higher Education (educational qualification level) (for individuals who completed their studies in previous years).
7. Medical Report in the Form of Primary Accounting Documentation 086-3/o (if special conditions are needed for taking the MCT/MST).
8. 2 Passport-Sized Photos (color or black-and-white) with an image corresponding to the applicant’s current age.
2 Registration Form
Complete the registration form and provide the compiled set of documents for registration through SET University, or register through another higher education institution participating in the 2024 admissions campaign.
1 – SET University conducts registration of applicants for the ЄВІ and ЄФВВ in 2024.
2 – Before sending the form, be sure to check the accuracy of the information provided in the application form:
3 – Name(s) of the entrance exam(s) the applicant wishes to take (ЄВІ and ЄФВВ);
4 – Foreign language to be included in the ЄВІ test (English, German, French, or Spanish);
5 – Information on the need for special conditions (condition code) and the number and date of the medical report on the creation of special (specific) conditions in the form of primary accounting documentation No. 086-3/o, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated August 29, 2016, No. 1027/900, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 27, 2016, under No. 1707/29837 (for persons with special educational needs).
6 – Information about the locality where the applicant wishes to take the ЄВІ and/or ЄФВВ (from the list of localities where temporary examination centers for entrance exams will be established, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
3 Examination Sheet
Obtain the Examination Sheet
A representative of the admissions committee will verify the presence of the necessary registration documents and ensure they are correctly completed.
If the registration is successful, the participant will receive a scanned copy of the examination sheet at the email address provided in the application form. Upon the applicant’s request, SET University will send the original examination sheet to the Nova Poshta branch chosen by the applicant.
Scanned copies of the examination sheet form and registration card will be sent to the applicant within 3 working days upon their request. A copy of the examination sheet will be kept at the SET University Admissions Office. If you find any errors in the examination sheet, please contact the admissions committee.
If, during the document verification, it is determined that the person is not eligible to participate in the competitive selection, the admissions committee representative will send a notification of registration refusal, stating the reason for the refusal, to the provided email address.
For each participant who receives an examination sheet, an information page “Applicant’s Cabinet” is created on the website of the Ukrainian Center, accessible by the examination sheet number and the PIN code specified in it.