SET University joined the European Association for Higher Education Advancement

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Now it’s official — SET University has been granted associate membership in the EAHEA. It’s no secret that the quality of education has increased over the past 10 years, primarily due to technology and access to it. But this is not the most important factor. The regulation of the educational process by organizations that define quality assessment metrics and fight for its improvement is also important. One of them is the European Association for Higher Education Advancement (EAHEA). Being a member of the EAHEA means publicly committing to high standards of quality in higher education.

What is EAHEA?

The European Association for Higher Education Advancement (EAHEA) is a non-governmental, independent international association for quality assurance, ranking, certification and accreditation, founded in 1997.


The Association has hundreds of member institutions and agencies in the field of education and training. It also includes educational institutions operating in various fields.

What does EAHEA do?

On the one hand, EAHEA accredits universities, colleges, schools, and educational institutions. On the other hand, it provides professional certification to professionals, qualified individuals, teachers and students. 


The organization has been helping governments to set local standards in higher education for many years through research, publications, conferences, seminars and partnerships.

Why is our membership in the association important?

Membership is not only an honorable recognition of our commitment to the standards of quality education, but also gives us the opportunity to apply for program accreditation to be recognized at a high level. Membership in the EAHEA also provides access to a community of universities and educational organizations that cooperate for a systematic movement towards high quality higher education in accordance with all points of the ESG Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.

EAHEA membership is an opportunity to:

 ➙ develop various types of cooperation on quality assurance in higher education institutions through EAHEA activities;

 ➙ be a part of the global networking that directly affects the quality assurance of education.

 ➙ organize international seminars, webinars, workshops or events together with EAHEA, which immediately raises their level.

 ➙ participate in the most important conference for our industry – WCETL (World Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning). 

 ➙ be present in the international database WHEL (World Higher Education List).

We are proud of the partnership and are happy to be part of the community that is influencing the education of the future right now!


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