Launched the micro-master program in Solution Architecture

27 / 11 / 23
SET University has launched short-term programs in software architecture and information security management.

At SET University, we are constantly working to provide relevant and yet fundamental education – even in a short format. So this year, we launched the micro-master program for those who are not yet ready for higher education but already need quality knowledge: 6-week Solution Architecture.

About Solution Architecture program

Solution Architecture is a program dedicated to the development of complex technical solutions to solve business problems. Students will learn in practice the principles of building architectures of large and complex systems, as well as how to communicate with the client and take into account their requirements during development.

According to the author of the program and lecturer, Global Director of Engineering at Customertimes Alexey Popov, each student, regardless of background, will find something of their own:

  • Engineers will gain a comprehensive understanding of solution architecture concepts to make a real contribution to project discussions and decision-making.
  • Tech leaders will be better able to lead technical teams, understand architectural aspects more deeply, and make more effective decisions.
  • And even existing solution architects will expand their skillset, update their knowledge, and be able to implement best practices in their own projects.

In addition, specialists who are thinking about a career in solution architecture will be able to “feel out” the profession in a short time and understand whether it is worth moving on.

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