SET with UC Berkeley Fisher Center launch the “AI and Business Analytics Training” for women

1 / 9 / 23
We organize a free 3-day training for women about business analytics and artificial intelligence in partnership with UC Berkeley Fisher Center for Business Analytics.

An offline training on how to use generative AI and business analytics starts on August, 30. This training is held by Gauthier Vasseur, director at the UC Berkeley Fisher Center for Business Analytics. 

The training is especially useful for women who want to grow professionally, and to use modern technologies to improve work efficiency. All the participants will get a certificate confirming their knowledge — UC Berkeley Extension.

Participation is free after preliminary application selection. There are eligible to apply women who launch projects in economic development and charity fields, as well as internally displaced female citizens and female representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine. 

The training takes place at the Innovation Park UNIT.City. The language of the event is English. 

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